COVID-19 & Flu A/B Ag Test Result Interpreation2020-12-11 14:09浏览数:169次
[仅供海外市场] Positive Result: Covid-19 antigen positive result: Both the Test "T" position and Control "C" position appear visible color lines. Influenza A/B positive result: Test "A" position, test “B” position and Control "C" position appear visible color lines. Influenza A positive result: Test "A" position and Control "C" position appear visible color lines. Influenza B positive result: Test "B" position and Control "C" position appear visible color lines. Note: If the test position shows a faint color, the result is also positive. Negative Result:Only the two Control "C" positions appear color, while other test positions are all blank. Invalid Result: If the control "C" remains blank without color appearing, the test result is invalid because the detecting function is failed to work. Thus, retest the specimen is required. For Covid-19 Antigen results: Positive Negative Invalid For Influenza A/B antigen results:
Influenza A&B Influenza A Influenza B Negative Invalid positive positive positive